^z 25th October 2024 at 9:19pm
soul, breath, essence
Be Earth — Breathe
- Mantra - Be Earth — by ^z - 2016-10-03
For the first few weeks, we just watch the breath come in and go out. You could practice in this way forever and never come to the end of it. It just gets deeper and deeper. The mind eventually becomes calmer and more relaxed, and mindfulness becomes stronger and stronger.
- Being with Your Breath — Chapter 4 ("Sitting Meditation") of Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn
"Remember: Go Slowly, Breathe, and Smile!"
- Beginning Mindfulness — Andew Weiss
The Spirits Know! — when good intentions fall short during execution ... when we try our best, and still fail ... when, in the passion of the moment, all that we can manage is to momentarily wish that we could be better, as we lose control — the Spirits know that at least we tried, or tried to try!